The Eve of Transit of venus in 2012

It is obvious to have a view of the wonderful transit of venus,when a big reason of its next view is after 100-150 years.
It would be the only cance for a human like me to have its sight,how ever,even though iam addicted to astronomy ,i missed the same transit which occured in 2004,just some years back from the next sight at May 6,2012.
I think it is also the chance of every people of this generation to have this wonderful astro effect.

Many of them would have a doubt about what the hell this transit means? but its simple.
Everyone might know about eclipses???? even films are about it.In an eclipse only sun,earth and moon take part,here in case of transit its just some alteration.
Its a view of sun,venusand earth.venus passes between earth and sun,from earth it could be observed as a DOT structured,but even we must take care of our eyes during watching it.
We can use the common,priceless black part of  used or unused X-ray film.So wishing you a nice sight.

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