where are the true lovers?

There was a world which accepted the real music.It was once when people loved each other due to music.There was an era when people lived in,with music.Every one accepted that music made them to walk.But what the condition.Now music means sex harrasements,pornographic enjoyments and some plays with drums.The world has withdrawed the pure music,which was a part of their life and a part which lead them to success.Since the Withdrawal of the KING of POP,world has fallen into the hands of some business men,some fools.
No one remembers Back street Boys and their Music.We was not abled to tell the number of people who has cried by hearing and feeling their music "show me the meaning of..." It has a true raw meaning in life.But what the situation today? Justin bieber,Britney spears,Rebecca black alot of persons who don't know whats the meaning of music,is dribblling with music.No..!we cannot accept it,We cannot spoil the empire of POP and its KING.Sure the real era of Music fans are going to be born.Lets rejoice together.All over the world MJfans,i request you to come,back from the miseries.MJfans means not only The fans-of Michael jackson,it means the fan or the lover of true music.We all know his name was not build up,it was moulded as the DIAMOND of music.

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