Love tips from Justin Bieber:

tips for boys to react according to a girl's actions:

when she acts shy
-say i love u

when she runs away from you
-chase her

when she ignores you
-she wants all your attention

when she pulls away from you
-hold her tight by her waist and kiss her and never let her go

when she holds your hand
-play with her fingers

when she's scared
-hold her and tell her, 'everything will be ok' because she's with you

if you were thinking of someone while reading this article, tell your friends to read and your dream will come true by next month.....

Comment: if she cat walks? Can we dog walks? Or snake walks?

Better pray to MJ!
...Moon walk!!

Love tips from Justin Bieber:

tips for boys to react according to a girl's actions:

when she acts shy
-say i love u

when she runs away from you
-chase her

when she ignores you
-she wants all your attention

when she pulls away from you
-hold her tight by her waist and kiss her and never let her go

when she holds your hand
-play with her fingers

when she's scared
-hold her and tell her, 'everything will be ok' because she's with you

if you were thinking of someone while reading this article, tell your friends to read and your dream will come true by next month.....

Comment: if she cat walks? Can we dog walks? Or snake walks?

Better pray to MJ!
...Moon walk!!

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